Friday, December 25, 2009


- Bl. Elisabetta Renzi

In preparation for my final profession, I prayed with Psalm 139. This is one of my favorite Psalms. During prayer I found it so hard to just say a mere thank you to God - I felt that He deserves more than that. I asked myself over and over again - How can I thank God for the kind of love and grace He has shown me in my life? He has done so much for me! I found myself writing these words in my diary.

What shall I return to God?
What returns shall I make?
What returns shall I offer?
For blessings of every kind, from Him that I have received.

What returns to the Lord shall I make?
What returns to the Lord shall I give?
For blessings of every kind, from Him I have received.

September 13, 2009 marked the celebration of final vows of Sr. Nina Vincent and myself. The mass celebration was beyond this world. It was so powerful to stand up there trembling before God, family, and friends promising to follow God for the rest of my life My head was full, my heart was full and I was only imagining where he will lead me!



The motto for the Congregation of the Sisters Of Our Lady of Sorrows is "Ardere et Lucere" which means "To burn and to Light" This is what we aspire to be each day of our lives. To burn with the light of Christ so that we can then share this light with all. A light that dispels all darkness, a light that brings warmth, a light that illumines the heart. To symbolize this, we processed into the Church with burning lamps which we placed at the altar during the celebration of the Eucharist. Our prayer and desire is that these lamps will continue to burn in all that we are and do until we take our last breath.


First Reading:
Is. 50: 5-9
Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm 116

" What shall I render to the Lord for all his bounty to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people ... I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving."

Second Reading:
James 2: 14-18

" What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can faith save him? .... So faith by itself,if it has no works, is dead."

Mk. 8: 27-35

"... If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it...."

After the homily, Bishop Michael Duca examines our readiness to dedicate ourselves to God and to seek perfect charity according to the constitutions of the Sisters Our Lady of Sorrows. We are resolved to unite ourselves more closely to God by the bond of perpetual profession, and to spend our whole life in the generous service of God's people.


It was such a powerful experience to stand before God, my religious family, and the people of God saying YES to God for the rest of my life. Standing here was a sign that I was surrendering all that I am to God. It is humbling yet very beautiful. By making final vows, I am responding to love with love, I am making an exclusive and absolute choice- I am choosing to live for Christ with an undivided heart.

The rings were place on the altar during mass.

"Receiving the ring, for you are betrothed to the eternal king; keep faith with your Bridegroom so that you may come to the wedding feast of eternal joy."
The ring is a sign that I am now committed to Christ for the rest of my life.

Soon after we pronounced our vows, we knelt before the Bishop who blessed us with the prayer of consecration:
"Today it is right that your house should echo with a new song of thanksgiving
for the sisters of ours who have listened to your voice
and gave themselves over to your holy service.

Lord, send the gift of your Holy Spirit upon your servants who have left all things for your sake.
Father, may their lives reveal the face of Christ your Son so that all who see them may com to know
that he is always presents in your Church.

We pray that in the freedom of their hearts,
they may free from care the hearts of others;
in helping the afflicted, may they bring comfort to Christ
suffering in his brothers and sisters;
may they look upon the world and see it ruled by your loving wisdom.
May the gift they make of themselves hasten the coming of your kingdom,
and make them one at last with your saints in heaven. Amen."




I am grateful to my parents who brought me into this world so I could live to see this day. Great thanks to my dad and brother who shared life with me in a very special way and continue to live in my heart. May God bless my family for their support and love.

This day was a special day and it is a special gift to be able to live out my commitment with my sisters who share the same commitment, faith, vision, spirituality, and mission. That gives me the assurance that I am not alone on this journey. I am grateful to all my sisters who have been part of this journey, for sharing life with me, this life we have all been called to by name. Great thanks to all the Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows for inspiring my journey by their dedication, witness, and passion.

My prayer today is that as I have vowed to follow Christ for the rest of my life, I can respond with a Yes each and every moment of my life. That through the inspiration and intercession of our foundress, I make God the centre of my life, and give myself to God in service for his people. May I bring new hope and new meaning to all. When it is all said and done, I hope that " When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me." Bombeck Emma

"You lifted me up on high so that I saw how much there was to see and which by myself, would never have been in a position to see." -St. Augustine

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