Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Arrogance Met With Mercy

Neither do I condemn you. Jn 8:11

I am really humbled and overwhelmed by Jesus' attitude towards sinners. This passage speaks volumes of how merciful Jesus is. He is willing to look beyond our weakness by giving us a chance to start over-again and again. With the words " Go sin no more," He is saying, " I know you can do better than this. I know you have messed up. I am not interested in what you have been. I am interested in what you have the potential to become - a Saint!"
As human beings, we always demand standards from others that we never demand from ourselves. We condemn other people's shortcomings and sins without even realizing that we have the same faults. Jesus today is telling us - point blank-that none of us is perfect and judgement is not ours. In this gospel passage, Jesus is challenging us to extend mercy to our neighbor so that we might experience God's merciful love like that woman in the Gospel.
I am humbled by this kind of love, a love that gives me freedom and challenges me to a sinless life, as was this gospel woman. I experience over and over this healing that is extended to me whenever I go to confession. The pressure of sin is taken off my heart and I am given a chance to reclaim the peace of Christ. When we stand before God, our life is forever changed - that is if we choose to be changed by His love. I think Jesus left the woman with a choice that day-to become more. To become more is the challenge I face every time I leave the confessional.

Lord Jesus Christ, I thank You for loving me even though sometimes I do not deserve Your love. Thank You for Your unconditional mercy. During this time of Lent give me the strength and grace to overcome my weakness and shortcomings so that I can become more of who You want me to become.

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